The Theory of Protonism of Gjeke Marinaj, Ph.D. Becomes an Integral Part of the Academic Curriculum at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia
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Thank you, Prof. Doc. Afrim Rexhepi and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University for this great honor.
The Theory of Protonism of Gjeke Marinaj, Ph.D. Becomes an Integral Part of the Academic Curriculum at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia
By David Green (Clayton Today)
Founded in 1949, the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University is the first state university in the state of Macedonia. The institution has just launched a new program on the subject of Protonism, a theory instituted and examined by Dr. Marinaj. He is the proprietor of this study with the release of his book “Protonism: Theory Into Practice.” The subject was picked up by others in the field, and in the past few years, it has been peer reviewed over 30 times and approved as a viable study. The book was first released in 2010 in Tirana, Albania, by the Nacional Publishing House.
What is Protonism?
According to the Dallas Morning News, the theory of Protonism sets out to promote “peace and positive thinking” through the use of literary criticism. Dr. Marinaj published this work as a response to a lot of unduly negative critique in the Eastern European academia. This was a project that was set to give common ground and would allow literary work to be reviewed much more objectively compared to prior methods.
As a literary critic, Marinaj wanted to give himself and his counterparts a method that would make this process much easier, and at the same time, he wanted a method that would be exhaustive. Literature critics look at theoretical texts as well as traditional literature. The method of Protonism has been seen to apply very sufficiently in both methods, and it has surprisingly found uses beyond the field of literary criticism. Therefore, this is part of the reason this study became popular.
Principles of Protonism
The theory of Protonism as suggested by Dr. Marinaj is based on five core principles. These principles include truth, in which each literary work is evaluated based on the candor of the information at hand. The inquiry is the second core principle that evaluates sources in literary works. There is also the matter of Protonismiotics as well as restitution and, lastly, the issue of ethical matters. These are the main areas that the Marinaj study looked at in great depth.
This theory has gained popularity over the years. It provides a great way for many literary artists to evaluate their work, and thus many partial translations have been made since its release.
Inclusion in the curriculum.
Prof. Dr. Afrim A. Rexhepit became the first Albanian professor to propose and succeed in including the protonism theory in the curriculum of a European state university. This is a matter worth noting as this theory is relatively new in the educational area and in the literary sector.
This method that was proposed by Marinaj has proven useful for many other fields other than the field of literature. It has been adopted in several other fields and has been included in the curriculum in humanities and social sciences. In this state university, students will begin to learn to use the Protonism theory as part of their curriculum. It is a method that has proved to be useful and is trusted by many scholars and academic institutions such as the Guang Dong Pie Zheng College.
The success of this theory by Marinaj can be attested by its inclusion into the curriculum of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia. This is the first time it has been included in Europe, but it’s certain that it is being accepted by the academic world. Its sheer ingenuity is the reason it is so diverse, and this makes the Protonism theory a viable one to many other fields.
Lajmi i ardhur nga Maqedonia i perkthyer edhe ne shqip
Теоријата на Протонизмот на Ѓеке Маринај, интегрален дел на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј„ во Скопје.
Овие денови, Бордот за акредитација и евалуација при Министерството за Образование и Наука на Р. Македонија, го прифати предлогот на Ректоратот на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј„, Теоријата на Протонизмот, да биде составен дел на програмата Културологија (во книжевноста – втор циклус на студии), а кое функционира во рамките на Институтот за македонска литература. Во рамките на студиската програма Културологија, со предлог на проф. Др. Африм. А. Реџепи, Теоријата на Протонизмот веќе не е само сотавен дел на потесната листа на изборните предмети по Културологија, туку и составен дел на пошироката листа на слободни изборни предмети во рамките на Универзитетот. Теоријата на Протонизмот како изборен предмет по Културологија – втор циклус на студии, ќе почнува да функционира од академската година 2018/2019 година. Инаку, Теоријата на Протонизмот, чиј основач е Ѓеке Маринај, професор на Универзитетот во Далас, во градот Де Моен во Сад, во 2011 година, е примена како една од прогресивните теории во областа на Книжевната наука.
Teoria e Protonizmit e Gjeke Marinajt, pjesë integrale akademike edhe në Universitetin “Shën Cirili e Metodij” në Shkup.
Këto ditë, me lejen e Bordit për akreditim dhe evaluim për arsimin sipëror që funksionon në kuadër të Ministrisë së Arsimit të R. së Maqedonisë, Rektorati i Universitetit “Shën Cirili e Metodij” në Shkup, e jetësoi propozimin që Teoria e Protonizmit e Gjeke Marinajt, të inkuadrohet në programin e tyre akademik. Në programin studimor Kulturologjia për studentët master, me propozim të prof. dr. Afrim A. Rexhepit, Teoria e Protonizmit jo vetëm që u bë pjesë e listës më të ngushtë për nevojat e programit Kulturologjia, por edhe pjese përberëse e listës më të gjerë të Universitetit në fjalë, edhe atë, për lëndët opcionale për master, dedikuar nevojave akademike të Fakulteteve tjera nga shkencat Humane dhe Shoqërore.
Në këtë Universitet shtetërorë, Teoria e Protonizmit, funksionin e vet pedagogjik do ta jetësojë nga ky vit, pra nga viti akademik 2018/2019. Përndryshe, Teoria e Protonizmit, e lançuar në vitin 2005, botërisht është pranuar në De Moyen në SHBA, në vitin 2011, si njëra nga teoritë progresive për Letërsinë dhe si vlerë e shtuar e shkencave humane sot.